Company and Business Names
Changing a company's name
A company can change its name by a special resolution of the members or by any other procedure authorised under the company's articles. As other procedures have only been permitted since the Companies Act 2006 came into effect on 1st. October 2009, the only method available to most companies is to pass a special resolution to change the name. Click here for more information.
The proposed new company name must comply with the statutory rules for company names (just as in the case of the registration of a new company). The rules were changed under the 2006 Act, making it more difficult to register an acceptable name .Care should also be taken to ensure the new name does not conflict with any registered trade marks or a name used by any unregistered business. Click here for more information on the choice of a company name. The change of name only takes effect on the date that Companies House issues the new certificate of incorporation on change of name.
Our service
The Company Law Solutions service on changing a company name includes:
- checking the proposed name and advising as to its acceptability for registration
- notices of directors' meetings
- minutes of directors' meetings
- notices of shareholders' resolutions
- shareholders' consents to resolutions
- notices of resolutions for Companies House
- completed official forms
- our straight-forward, step by step guide to completing the procedures
- checking by us when the documents are completed (if required)
- despatch by us to Companies House of the completed and checked documents (if required)
It is unusual for the cost for this service to exceed the benchmark price. See our prices page for more details