Appointing a director
How a director may be appointed depends on the company's articles. Most companies have articles based on either the Model Articles or, if the company was registered before 1st. October 2009 and has not updated its articles, Table A.
Both the Model Articles and Table A allow a director to be appointed by the shareholders. The Model Articles also allow a director to be appointed by the directors. This is also a provision of Table A, except that the appointments lasts only until the company's next AGM. It is possible to have other provisions in the company's articles (e.g. the articles of a subsidiary company may allow the holding company to appoint directors).
For more information visit our webpages on directors and directors' appointments.
Our service
The Company Law Solutions service provides all required:
- guidance as to the applicable procedures
- minutes of directors' meetings
- notices of shareholders' resolutions
- shareholders' consents to resolutions
- letter of appointment
- completed official forms for Companies House
- our straightforward, step by step guide to completing the procedures
- checking by us when the documents are completed (if required)
- dispatch by us to Companies House of the completed and checked documents (if required)
- guidance on completion of statutory registers
If the company is a single person company, with just one director/shareholder, appropriate alternative documentation is provided.
Most directors' appointments will fall within the benchmark price.